Sheri Brown

Sheri Brown

Sheri Brown has lived in Pioneer Square since 2002, teaching, making work, living in art-focused communities, and producing shows for First Thursday. Brown’s artistic practice revolves around butoh, a Japanese art form she discovered in 2001, after 11 years practicing theater and street performance. Butoh evolved from student rebellions after World War II, as a method to challenge social norms and established ideals in search of a purer force beyond westernization and modernization. Brown felt the history and practice of the form satisfied her need to explore and express her interdisciplinary practice and ideals.

“As a conscientious objector to mass media,” explains Brown, “my work with butoh stands up in stark contrast to consumer culture. It begs to look beyond society’s surface to the darker, undercurrent root of authentic creative process, and the initial impetus for the creative act. With increasing intentionality, my work in butoh strives to reconnect the lives of everyday people through radical performance art.”

Sheri Brown's website